The Beck Deception

Where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier. – Charles F. Kettering

If you are a die-hard Glenn Beck fan (like I was), please keep a very open mind as you read this.  Our freedom depends on it.

I know too many “ex-Glenn Beck fans” who are using the wrong approach in attempting to show you why Glenn is more of a threat to the American people than he is a truth-teller or savior.  I don’t entirely fault them because I understand their frustration as well as their “sense of urgency”.  The simple fact of the matter is that if  “We The People” do not begin to think for ourselves, and stop the conformity, we will continue to be misled, and we will get nowhere in our fight to regain our freedom and liberties.

In my quest to understand how our country has gotten to where it is, I found Glenn Beck.  Not only did he seem to have the answers, he was also providing me with excellent information about people and groups (the czars, ACORN, SEIU, Andy Stern, Anita Dunn, etc.) who surround and influence our president and our policies.  I was sure Glenn had stumbled on some pretty beefy information which offered a great explanation as to why our country was going to hell in a hand basket.

For months, I never missed a Glenn Beck show. At the same time, I continued my relentless research on the internet for as much “truth” as I could get my hands on and I’m convinced this allowed me to keep a healthy perspective on “truth”.  One day while watching Glenn – a warning signal sounded in my head.   In realizing just how massive of a following that Glenn was gaining, I cautioned myself to be careful and to keep an open mind.  As indicated by history as well as the bible, I understood that anyone who has the ability to gain such a mass following of people also has the ability to lead that mass astray.


You cannot gain a mass following by telling lies.  In order to deceive, You MUST use the truth…  or at the very least, what might be acknowledged as truth by the masses (more on this later).

The majority who align themselves with Glenn Beck consider themselves to be “conservatives.”  If you fall into this category, you do not follow CNN or MSNBC because “you are able to see the lies.”  You can’t conform to their viewpoint because there isn’t enough truth in their message to keep your attention.  CNN or MSNBC cannot deceive you because you see no truth in their message.  Deception can only deceive if it looks somewhat like the real thing.

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive


Many of you will refuse to believe that you are being deceived by Glenn Beck because you cannot fathom any reason why he would do this. Without considering the big picture, this is understandable.  Because of this, you have rationalized that the “Beck Bashers” must either be jealous of his fame and fortune or they are just “idiot liberals.” Before we can begin to explore “how we are being deceived”, we must first ask the question, “Why?” The short answer is controlled opposition, and this is where it is crucial for many of you to gain and keep an open mind!

Some of you reading this already know that the truth (whole, entire truth) will never be televised. But, as I temporarily did, you are holding on to the hope that somehow, Beck/FOX managed to break free of this rule.  You may even think that FOX has discovered that there is more money in telling the truth – so they are going to continue to do it – until the Obama Administration decides to silence them.  If you believe there is any threat of FOX being shut down or of Beck being taken off the airlet me guaranteethis will never happen. Why?  Because Glenn Beck is the most valuable player on Team Obama than anyone else.  Why?  Because the elites behind the New World Order who own “Team Obama” also own all of mainstream media.

If you have questions about the New World Order, the elite bankers, the Federal Reserve –you can find more information on this “Grand Delusion” Blog.

If you know anything about “reverse psychology” – you would know that the fake little war between the Obama Administration and FOX News did nothing more than to drive more people to FOX News to see what all the fuss was about. Borderline liberals flocked to FOX News because they believed that “if Obama was trying to silence FOX, they must be telling the truth.”  Oh – how easily fooled we are!


How many of us are opposed to the way our government is running our country?  How many are opposed to the war? How many are opposed to the Federal Reserve? How many of us are frustrated, fed-up, sick and tired or afraid of what our future holds? How many of us now view our government as the enemy?  How many of us understand that in order to defeat any enemy, we need to think like the enemy?   What are they thinking?

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves – Vladimir Lenin

Don’t underestimate the powers that be. Don’t underestimate those in control. They full well know that the only way they can reach their goal for the New World Order and One World Government is by controlling the opposition and making sure that the truth is kept from us. In fact, their biggest fear is that we will learn the truth because the truth WILL set us free! What chance would they have if we all rose up tomorrow against tyranny, against them?  They wouldn’t have a chance! There are way too many of us.  So don’t you think they have the foresight, the power, the money, the influence needed in order to carry out controlling the opposition by leading it? Yes!  Of course they do!


One good way to determine if someone is “controlled opposition” is to not just look at what they are saying – but, more importantly, look at what they are not saying!


You will get just enough truth, but you will never get all of it, for if you did, you would surely rise up. Look at the “Federal Reserve.”  We know just enough about it to know we don’t like it.  Many of us want it audited and/or abolished.  What did Henry Ford say about the Federal Reserve?

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. –Henry Ford

Glenn Beck recently put together a very nice documentary called, “Live Free or Die.” While much truth was exhibited in his documentary, he stopped short at revealing the whole truth.  Don’t you think it would have been important to know that Prescott Bush (George W. Bush’s grand-father) played a major role in funding Hitler’s rise to power? If Beck wanted to arm you with the whole truth, he would not have left this information out.  Especially if it is “his calling” to warn you about our government and what they are capable of!


Beck instructs you to “Question Boldly” – but only those questions that he approves.  Don’t you dare question 9/11!

How many times has Beck said that the 9/11 Truther’s only account for 5% of the population? The truth is that the majority of the population question 9/11 and one third of the population believe that our government was involved.

Even if you are as dead set against the 9/11 Truth Movement as Beck claims to be – don’t you deserve the truth about the number of people who question 9/11?  Shouldn’t you be told about the 50 Senior Military, Intelligence and Government Officials who question the 9/11 Commission Report? Shouldn’t we discuss Senator Max Cleland – Former member of the 9/11 Commission, who resigned in December 2003 saying “I, as a member of the [9/11] Commission, cannot look any American in the eye… It is a national scandal… this White House wants to cover [9/11] up.”

Are you asking yourself why you didn’t know these things? The reason is because “they don’t want you to know.” You will not find the truth on mainstream news, not even FOX.

If you are led to believe that only a small, kooky minority question 9/11, or anything else for that matter – you probably won’t research it for yourself, but if you knew that the majority question it, you would either stand with the majority or spend more of your own time looking at the data and form your own opinions.

So, if the majority of the population question 9/11 – why did Glenn Beck attempt to ruin Debra Medina for not disavowing any group questioning 9/11?  Seems pretty irrational once you know the truth about the numbers, doesn’t it? In fact, Debra Medina should have responded, “Senator Max Cleland, former member of the 9/11 commissioner resigned over a possible cover-up and the majority of the American people have questions about 9/11 – so, in my desire to represent the people, I fully support questioning the 9/11 Commission Report.”

How many of you, without looking into any data or doing any of your own research are using terms such as “Truthers”, “Birthers” and “Tenthers” and attaching negative connotations to these terms against the groups and experts who have done their research?

Are you beginning to understand how you are being influenced through mind-bending and disinformation?

For more about 9/11 that you will never hear on mainstream TV, click here.


If someone is placed into a position of amassing a great following for the purpose of controlling and deceiving – they are not going to appear as a wolf.  Glenn Beck has sparkly blue eyes, a great smile and a wonderful personality.  It is very hard not to like him – even when you understand that he is choosing monetary wealth over the well-being of his fellow man.

Many people believed that Josef Stalin was a good man, handsome with great personality.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, “The world has never seen greater devotion, determination, and self sacrifice, that have been displayed by the Russian people and their armies under the leadership of Marshall Josef Stalin.” In total, the estimated number of people killed under Stalin ranges between 10 million to 60 million.

Even Hitler was once loved by the people.  Don’t think for one second that a charismatic leader cannot lead you astray.


Many people are referring to Beck as a “judas sheep.”  Here is the meaning:
Sheep are innate followers and very easily led astray. In New Zealand about 40 million sheep are led to slaughter each year. A specially selected castrated male sheep aptly called the “Judas” sheep leads the unwitting sheep to the killing floor. Unaware of what is about to happen, the sheep blindly fall in behind the Judas sheep and follow him to their deaths.


As I continued to watch Glenn Beck with an open mind, I began to see signs of deception.  I began to see signs of neo-conservatism.  I hadn’t even finished my “Arguing with Idiots” book.  Issues and actions that were extreme violations of the Constitution and our freedoms and liberties that were discussed all over the internet went for days unmentioned on his program. If and when they were mentioned, they were not given the attention they deserve.  Some were blown off entirely.

As I dug more and more into the 9/11 Truth Movement and I saw the legitimate questions coming from patriots, our war veterans, our military leaders, 9/11 commission members, aerospace engineersexperts, historians, pilots, architects and engineers, families of those killed, economists, I realized these people were not the “kooks” that Beck described. They were also not “dangerous” as Beck described.   I had to ask myself why he would mislead his followers.  Beck even went so far as to say that he “began hating the families of those who died on 9/11.” Someone who told us to “Question Boldly” suddenly had a zero tolerance level for questioning even from families who had more reason than anyone else to question.

I had no choice, in the face of all the evidence, to conclude that Beck is the ultimate deception because he makes the choice to deceive – as opposed to deceiving out of plain old ignorance.

I attribute much of my initial awakening to Glenn Beck –  but because I knew better than to give him my complete trust (I reserve that for God) – and I knew the importance of continuing to find truth on my own (as everyone needs to do, especially now), I knew when to part ways with him.  That ultimately led to me turning off the TV.  I do not get my news from the TV – because the truth isn’t televised and because you should never be bullied into asking or NOT asking any question.

If Beck were truly “bucking the system” – he would have gone the way of Lou Dobbs.

If you want to control the dissent, lead the dissent.

Mainstream Media Hijacking Tea Party Movement – Glenn Beck is Not Our Friend –  August 11, 2010

Creating the Great ‘Union’ Divide – June 24, 2010

Will Beck Join the Biggest Dot? –  May 28, 2010

“Oh The Games People Play” – Sarah Palin, Glen Beck and the Hidden Controllers of the Tea Party

Glenn Beck is a Sell-Out Blog

How FOX News Manipulates the Revolution (video)

We Need a Leader – Glenn Beck is Not It

Glenn Beck is a NEOCON – Not a LIBERTARIAN!

Glenn Beck’s Counterfeit Movement “The 9 12 Project” and What’s Behind It

Some insight about Glenn Beck’s “Live Free..  or Die” documentary

Michael Badnarik – Beck is Controlled Opposition

Alex Jones – False Choices – Glenn Beck (video)

Glenn Beck – What Are the Dangers of 9/11 Truthers? (videos)

Palin, Beck: Judas Goats Against the Freedom Movement (videos)

Beck Helps Prepare Public: Obama Not Safe Because of Truthers (videos)

An Open Letter to Glenn Beck

Anointed Leader of Conservative Movement, Glenn Beck, Now Believes in Global Warming

Don’t Trust Glen – Bought and Paid For Controlled Opposition

Glenn Beck’s FEMA Camp Flip Flop

Jesse Ventura:  People Are Attacked for Having LEGITIMATE Questions.

Glenn Beck Bashes Jesse Ventura

Glenn Beck Lies To You About RFID Chip

Glenn Beck is Running a PsyOp (he will gain trust and then betray) – 2009

  1. Franz Glaus
    March 1, 2010 at 12:12 am


    • susie miller
      March 1, 2010 at 5:25 pm

      Not outstanding. I can’t locate the name of the person who wrote this, and he/she did not cite where the Beck statements came from. Also, if it’s more important what a person does NOT say than what they say, Debra Medina skirted the question and what is it that she didn’t do? She did NOT SAY where she stood.

  2. Des
    March 1, 2010 at 1:57 am

    EXCELLENT!! and about time!

  3. Jonathan
    March 1, 2010 at 2:24 am

    Excellent! This sums up Glenn Beck perfectly.

  4. Jason
    March 1, 2010 at 2:55 am

    Not all Libertarians believe in the 911 conspiracy(In fact most of those I know personally do NOT). AND, not everything is a conspiracy. The simple fact is, Beck doesn’t personally believe in the conspiracy, so of course he is politically apposed to those who do. Why do you feel the need to paint this with some conspiratorial brush?

    When it comes to “birthers”, His position is more of, “you will never prove it, so why not focus on the issues that we CAN prove”. He has mentioned this as a dead issue, long ago. I tend to agree. Regardless of whether or not Obama is a natural born citizen, anyone who occupies the white house, will obviously have the power and means to bury it. Chasing after that dog will only provide fodder for those who wish to paint Libertarians as nuts!

    AND, the Global warming thing is just rediculous, as it is sourced at USA today!! LOL You should just plain be ashamed for that one.

    All of this in-fighting only serves the purpose of fractilizing the movement. Hell, there probably wouldn’t even be a 9-123 movement, had Beck not championed this cause for the entire year of 2009!

  5. March 1, 2010 at 12:55 pm


    What is the 9/11 conspiracy? Did someone figure out exactly what happened and post this to a website somewhere? Can you provide me a link to it so I can determine if I “believe in the conspiracy” myself? Because, as it stands, I’m positive that the events that took place on September 11, 2001 did occur (no conspiracy there) and I’m positive that it’s a fact that the explanation of the events are neither accurate nor correct (no conspiracy there).

    What is important to understand is that — not everything that is questioned falls into a “conspiracy” category. Since 9/11 did happen — and because the explanations provided are not accurate, nor are they correct.. you would then need to question why someone would label questioners and protesters as “conspiracy theorists” and “kooks.” It should be obvious they have an agenda (the operative word here is SHOULD). That agenda becomes extremely obvious after you realize that the truth will not be televised, turn off your TV, roll up your sleeves and do your own research (instead of repeating anything you hear on TV or from your government as truth).

    In your research into the questions that are being asked about 9/11, which ones do you feel are illegitimate? All of them?

    There is a psychology involved when someone takes all lines of questioning and all questioners of an incident and throws them neatly into the “conspiracy/kook” pile, gives it a neat little title such as “truther” in order to attach a negative stigma to it. So many of you fall for this hook, line and sinker — never taking a moment to research or think for yourself. He keeps you exactly where he wants you. He is the controller, you are the controlled… and God forbid if you are ever called a “Truther.” I think it is a sad testimony to our times that the word “truther” means “kook.” That is how well programming works. When did “wanting to get to the truth” become “you are a kook?”.

    So in your research of the birth certificate issue, you have determined that it doesn’t matter if our president is constitutionally qualified to hold this position? Really. Nevermind if there is any validity to the charge that he may not be — you just believe “it doesn’t matter?” So.. you agree with Bush that the constitution is just a god-damned piece of paper?

    I’m not sure what your meaning is behind the remark about global warming. Please clarify.

    Regarding the 9/12 Project, couldn’t have explained it better:

    A campaign for better values is going to do little to nothing to change our situation here in America. Instead of being enslaved, homeless, valueless, Americans living in a tyrannical police state you will be enslaved, homeless, moral and value driven Americans living in a tyrannical police state, do you see the difference because I don’t.

    Glen Beck’s Counterfeit movement is nothing more than a desperate attempt to marginalize the 9/11 truth movement directly.

  6. susie miller
    March 1, 2010 at 5:25 pm

    Not outstanding. I can’t locate the name of the person who wrote this, and he/she did not cite where the Beck statements came from. Also, if it’s more important what a person does NOT say than what they say, Debra Medina skirted the question and what is it that she didn’t do? She did NOT SAY where she stood.

    • March 1, 2010 at 7:43 pm


      Where which Beck statements came from?

  7. Ric Flair
    March 1, 2010 at 7:36 pm


  8. Ric Flair
    March 1, 2010 at 7:38 pm

    This entire missive is illogical. Oh, if we’re gonna talk about financing the Nazi’s & Prescott Bush, let’s also point out that Henry Ford was a HUGE anti-semite, and 30% of all Nazi vehicles were Fords!

    • Dale Campbell
      August 31, 2010 at 9:00 pm

      Not to mention, IBM was the leader in setting up a file system for keeping track of the Jews.

  9. March 1, 2010 at 7:44 pm


    But we are not talking about the Nazi’s and Prescott Bush. This article is about Glenn Beck and controlled opposition.

  10. March 3, 2010 at 1:15 am

    I sometimes wonder if the Beck Bashers are the real controlled opposition. At least Beck gives solid evidence of what we must do. prepare, study, learn, engage. What does this article do? Nothing. It stears you away from most of the truth for people to look at things that have no real value on what the solutions are. Solutions are in history, they are in our founding. They are in being self-reliant, about smaller government. Even the founders disagreed on certain things, but NEVER did they lose sight of their ultimate goal, A REPUBLIC.

    It seems to me this type of article is just a way of saying if you don’t 100% agree with everything that Beck says that somehow makes him on “their” side. Whatever. I don’t agree with him 100%, but I’m certainly not willing to throw the baby out with the bathwater. None of us will agree on everything, but we better stick together or DIVIDED WE FALL.

    • March 3, 2010 at 2:30 pm


      To the contrary. The article asks you to keep an open mind and asks you to do a couple things that Ronald Reagan asked that we do: “Trust, but verify” and “Don’t be afraid to see what you see.”

      You shouldn’t assume that because the writer believes that Glenn Beck is a tool for the New World Order, that the writer doesn’t believe in solutions, self-reliance, small government and the republic. Asking that you keep an open mind and understand that “controlled opposition” has been used in history to oppress the masses and lead them to tyranny and death – is the epitome of asking you to remain “self-reliant” as well as “self-thinking” and “non-conforming.”

      As I said in the article, there is a lot that Beck says that is true (controlled opposition operates on truth). But just as he warns about the Saul Alinsky method of “nudging” – his talent for nudging his viewers into the belief that “9/11 Truthers are dangerous kooks” (just to give you one example) is a tactic used to keep us divided and to keep us in-fighting with one another.

      See, there is no truth to his repetitive remark that “9/11 Truthers are dangerous kooks.” Could there be a dangerous kook who happens to be a “9/11 Truther?” Of course. But our Republic is compromised when a leader successfully “nudges” a large group of followers into believing that an entire truth movement is “a small percentage of our population who are dangerous kooks.” Unfortunately, there are way too many people who will regurgitate that belief as truth – and will never do any research on their own. Now if that isn’t “control” – show me what control is.

      Benjamin Franklin said we have a “Republic, if you can keep it.” As citizens wishing to keep our republic, we have a duty to remain informed and demand truth and accountability from our government. Glenn Beck will have you believe that this is a “kooky/dangerous thing to do”.. and this is why it is important for you to remain objective, keep an open mind and “QUESTION BOLDLY” his true agenda.

      • recce1
        March 21, 2010 at 7:11 am


        Am I to assume if one doesn’t believe 9/11 was orchestrated by Bush and cronies they’re tools of the New World Order? Does remaining “objective” mean accepting the 9/11 Truthers’ claim our government was behind the terrorist tragedy or does it mean always questioning even when faced with a truth?

        What research have you done? Have you gone through wreckage, been to the WTC site, experimented with controlled demolition, flown large aircraft, or witnessed a building collapse? Or has your research been secondhand? I’m not saying secondhand research is unimportant; sometimes it’s all we have. But to disparage Beck and others who aren’t convinced of such a conspiracy isn’t logical or fair.

        Let me ask, are you an agent provocateur? Is your goal to get a major network to make claims that can’t be substantiated in court, possible because of corruption, and bring about Obama’s stated goal of instituting the Fairness Doctrine to silence non-progressives? I doubt it but that’s a risk you’re taking. Would that make you part of the New world Order? See how easy it is to use innuendo to make an unfair claim.

        I believe Beck was saying on TV the danger the 9/11 Truthers posed was to the chances of conservatives and libertarians taking back the Republican Party and in turn Congress. I doubt he ever implied they were a physical threat to the nation. Now he has implied that ACORN, SEIU, and the Aztlan crowd were. Am I wrong? But I guess I’m a danger because I’ll likely vote for a third party as I feel I’ve given the Republicans enough chances and that like the Democrats they’ve got their heads up and locked.

        But it seems you’ve taken extreme umbrage with Beck because he doesn’t believe the 9/11 Conspiracy and doesn’t think the questioning of Obama’s birth would be productive. For those reasons you think he’s an enemy who must be destroyed. Aren’t you’re demanding ideological purity matching your perspective?

        But you fail to really outline your worldview. In what direction do you think this country should be heading, or should we just be head hunting?

        By the way, here’s an argument supporting the quest to demand Obama’s birth certificate that I rarely see. Did you know the Democrats went to court and held congressional hearings to prevent Goldwater, Romney, and McCain from running for the presidency claiming that they weren’t NATURAL BORN CITIZENS and were therefore ineligible. All three met their accusers demands in court and supplied demanded documents. Why not Obama?

        Why aren’t we in the Democrats’ faces demanding fair play or exposing them for the hypocrites and charlatans they are? Why’re we afraid to say publicly and in their face we don’t believe they believe in the Constitution, but if they do, there’s any easy way to prove it?


  11. david
    March 3, 2010 at 6:44 am

    I cannot wait for the communists who wrote this to be burned

    • March 3, 2010 at 2:33 pm


      I refuse to engage with you. “In-fighting” is exactly what they want in order to divide and conquer and usher in their New World Order. I refuse to be a part of it.

  12. March 3, 2010 at 2:40 pm

    @Granddelu I understand your point. I have 9/11 truthers in my 9.12 group. They are great people. I don’t necessary subscribe to that mostly because for me it doesn’t matter. We are here, and we are in trouble. I’ve been studying the cycles of history long before Glenn Beck came on board, and frankly he’s going down the same path I did when I was learning. He has the right to his opinion. I guess, my biggest frustration is that EVERYONE doesn’t need to be demonized. If you want to look at real controlled ops, just look to Newt Gingrich. He is not a conservative’s friend.

    As I said in my post, I don’t agree with Beck all the time. He’s just a guy who has a radio and TV show. But as an insider, you see him think through some of his ideas. Sometime he changes his mind, other times he doesn’t. He may have personal experience with a 9.11 kook, and so that taints his opinion. But I really believe he is leading people in the right direction overall.

  13. March 3, 2010 at 3:58 pm


    Now this is exactly what a forum should be.. an intelligent exchange of ideas and opinions, holding onto a respect that the exchange is with another human being, even if our opinions differ.

    Because of where I have wound up (where my information and research has taken me) – my opinion differs with yours about 9/11 truth just because I feel that in order to resist an enemy, we need to know who, exactly, that enemy is.

    I completely agree that Beck has a right to his opinion. The problem for me is that when your opinion has the ability to shape the minds and opinions of such a huge following (as he has) – along with that comes a huge responsibility. To me, he is much more than “just a guy with a TV and radio show”.. he is an opinion shaper with a very large following. Look at Oprah. She can take a relatively unknown author, mention their book on her show – and alter the course of not only the author’s life, but the life of the millions who then read a book that they may not have otherwise read. What if she decided that Saul Alinky’s “Rules for Radicals” was the “way it should be?” How many people would blindly follow?

    Unfortunately, in this day and age, most of what is believed by the majority doesn’t come from their own thought process – it comes from television and I do believe that is by design.

    I’m with the opinion that “truth will not be televised” because the TV is a tool of the New World Order elite that is very effectively being used to propagandize us into believing in and living our lives around an illusion which is nowhere near our reality. I also believe that if we all break free from that illusion – and see the truth – unite against the evil – we could whip this problem before morning.

    But that’s just me.

    • jayrod87
      March 10, 2010 at 11:51 pm

      interesting, but this entire article can be looked at in exactly the same way. This could easily be an effort by the “NWO” to steer people away from truth by casting doubts. I could list many reasons why I don’t find it anywhere near convincing, but mainly it is guilty of confirmation bias. If you are always looking for a conspiracy then you will always find one. I consider myself cynical but whoever wrote this is over to the top cynical to the point where nothing anyone says will matter. There are people out to get him (in his mind) and that’s it.

      I appreciate the heads up, but I think if you take the time to actually watch his show, and not just a time or two, you can see that this article makes the most outlandish statements. Beck is Obama’s biggest tool? if the people who believe this would actually take the time to listen to what Beck says they would see that that can’t be true. Obama wants big gov. Beck wants a small gov. Republic (so do I) and the only way a NWO can arise is through government, so Beck is diametrically opposed to that position and Obama.

      Sure, Beck may be wrong about some things, but it doesn’t mean he is purposely wrong. People do not suddenly figure out every issue at once. He is on a journey, and at times our paths part ways, but we are still heading in the same direction and we still want the same thing: Liberty. And since Liberty is the antithesis of what people call the NWO then how can a person who calls for more and more liberty everyday be for the “NWO” which is seemingly based on nothing more than oppression. Market forces prevail when people are free to act as they desire, and only the forceful hand of government can make us do what others desire. An extremely limited government, with a strong focus on individual liberties and responsibilities is exactly what we need and that is exactly what Beck pleads for every day on his shows.

      Also, there was a substantial lack of citation and/or proof throughout the entire piece. At least Beck backs up everything he says with evidence–most of which I had seen and discovered before he ever mentioned it. That is why I love his show, because I started the same journey he did years ago and have come to the same conclusions as he has on many issues, and most before he even did (at least publicly). But I will say this. Beck is human, and we should not put our faith in men, but in ideas and principles (and ultimately in God). But speaking in a purely secular way…Men can be led astray and falter, but Truth is steadfast and unwavering. Beck may get some things wrong, and in the end this whole article could be true, but that is why I don’t put my hope in the man, Beck, but in the ideas of individual liberty and maximum freedom for all (regardless of any groupable quality). As Ayn Rand stated so brilliantly: the smallest minority on earth is the individual, and if one is not for individual rights, then how can they claim to be for the rights of the minorities.

      Oh, and the whole Palin/Beck thing…Beck may have liked her initially, as did many, but he knows that at best she is a women who means well and wants what she believes is best for the country, but I’m pretty sure he knows that not only is she unelectable, but she is also not the right person to fix this country. If you watch/listen to Beck it would be easy to pick up on his doubts and hesitations concerning Palin (along with countless other would be saviors that keep getting thrust into the spotlight)

      • bjcomeau
        March 12, 2010 at 3:36 pm

        if people, like yourself, would actually take the time to do the research on 9/11 you would find all the information u need to make an INFORMED opinion. There are actual videos, emergency personnel interviews, audio files, and written information about 9/11 that is completely opposite of what the government is telling the people and even has proof of the government coming in and telling the news media what they are and are not allowed to say. Check it out, do some work, don’t take my word for it. I have seen it all and have verified it all.

  14. jacmo55
    March 10, 2010 at 6:07 pm

    First of all the writer is very patronizing when he/she says that he was once like us in his belief of Beck and somehow has had a revelation and knows something we don’t about Beck
    No one should be following anyone blindly, including the person who wrote this article, “In order to deceive, You MUST use the truth” is an oxymoron or maybe it’s the tactic that this writer is trying to use
    The times that I have watched Beck, he has given me vital information (in his goofy way)that I’ve been able to research and verify
    This article is full of inuendos with nothing to back it, like where it says that Beck instructs you to “Question Boldly” – but only those questions that he approves. Don’t you dare question 9/11!
    I haven’t researched it yet but I will and I can almost guarantee that Beck never implied or said “Don’t you dare question 911” and that’s just one example of “The Grand Delusion” deception” and that’s where you lost me
    After reading this I found many half -truths that need to be verified and I will and I hope you all do too

  15. thewhitechrist
    March 10, 2010 at 6:41 pm

    Frankly, I don’t care whether I am patronizing or not. I KNOW I am more intelligent than the vast majority of sheeople out there, so when I read this column I thought “OK, but are you going to TELL us who these NWO types are?” And you didn’t- which also did not surprise me.

    I realize Beck is just another version of Rush, who now is an NYC shabbas goy as well. Frankly Beck will not go into either the birther or the 9/11 arenas, because both are Zionist dominated propaganda fronts for the Noachide NWO, and I don’t give a damn what others think if they can’t handle that FACT!

    And as for bringing up Nazis? Pug-leez! The only “Nazis” I would fear today are the Ashke-NAZIS. Just ask Zundel, Toben, Rudolf, or Faurisson.
    You can BET that neither Beck nor Limbaugh would EVER ask Those “TRUTHERS” on their programs; only has that much integrity. Beck is in it for Beck, just like Limbaugh, Hannity, and the Zionist corner. And Savage et al.? They are merely the enemy occupation division of the same machine. I distrust them all. For everyone can be bought, who is not ready to be/become a martyr – Fr. John

    • recce1
      March 21, 2010 at 7:34 am

      thewhitechr, not only are you patronizing, you’re also anti-semitic, not to mention hubristic. Could your use of Ashke-NAZIS, the real term being used for Jews of European and Russian extraction, indicate you prefer real Nazis? Your bigotry explains a lot about your belief in the 9/11 conspiracy. As for Fr. John’s quote, it sounds an awful lot like what an Islamic fanatic might quote from the Qur’an,

  16. ratsace
    March 10, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    Great article, a little long, yet where is the access!

    For those including the author, who wonder, if maybe what they “know” about Hitler came from the same source, in gest, as official 911, you might want to begin your search with “how hitler consolidated power”.

    Begin to learn how britain and america tricked poland into deserving what hitler gave them, search “hitler nobel peace prize”.

    In hitler’s germany all you had to do to pay for a brand new house was have 4 kids.

    Oh, I knew he wasn’t so nice, ha ha!

    Hitler knew that those 4 kids would pay more taxes than the house was ever worth.

    Let’s see obama pull anything near that off ! ! !

    Not even the “decider” did, but Raegin at least considered.

    Bottomline: you have indeed been lied to all your life, so why not take Socrates advice?

  17. aplpie
    March 10, 2010 at 7:17 pm

    You are absolutely correct. I too thought how is it that the Media, especially FOX, owned by Maddox, a known Israeli Mossad Agent, former or otherwise, would let Beck spout about the “TRUTH” unless he had alternative motives of mis-leading his audience and followers. Is this just an illusion of TRUTH? 911 Truthers are denounced as DANGEROUS PEOPLE? HOGWASH! We have a RIGHT to the truth and the CIA-MOSSAD connection is gaining strength, along with the implied cooperation of the US Government. NOBODY has the power to STAND DOWN NORAD or our entire National Defense, except the Government!

  18. March 10, 2010 at 8:20 pm

    I didn’t see the name of the person who wrote this missive, but he articulated many good points. Something he’s slightly mistaken about is this…

    “I understood that anyone who has the ability to gain such a mass following of people also has the ability to lead that mass astray.”

    If I may respectfully and constructively correct the author, Beck doesn’t gain the mass following SO he can lead them astray. He gains the mass following BY leading them astray.

    Most people do not have the innate ability to recognize much less appreciate pure Truth. The bible even teaches that universal principle.

    The PTB know this, and thus they are never afraid for Truth to be aired by their major media outlets and trusted spokesmen. Truth is best hidden in plain sight.

    Moreover, the sheeple are actually ATTRACTED to lies and the liars who tell them…especially when the lies are mixed with axiomatic Truths and articulated by a charismatic speaker such as Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, or Alex Jones. Indeed, the lies are an invisible, spiritual part of their charisma.

    Thus Beck and others create their huge followings of non-thinkers and fulfill their purposes of discrediting or suppressing the most vital Truths and fostering ignorance. And by vicariously venting the emotions of the small minority of independent thinkers who want real, untainted Truth, they are skillfully quelling or controlling active opposition even among those who can see what is going on in the world around them. Today’s technology makes that quite easy for them.

    Lies, being virtually infinite and highly malleable, allow one to roam free in the delusion of their choice. Truth corners the hearer and forces his/her hand. Most people do not like their hands to be forced; for they might not like what would be revealed. They prefer “realities” of their own imagining.

    Therefore, when Truth is carefully tainted with a small proportion of lies, it mesmerizes the masses and draws them like moths to flaming fire. If Glenn Beck told the WHOLE Truth with the sincerity and passion he feigns on TV, he would lose his following and his job overnight.

    But he tells maybe 95% Truth and slips the lies in alongside where they nestle comfortably into the blindly trusting minds of his followers. The sheeple sense the lies subconsciously and eat them up; and they use the axiomatic Truths in the mix to justify the lies to themselves and others. They might reason: “This guy is telling so much obvious Truth that…well…he MUST be trustworthy and correct when he makes fun of 9/11 Truthers!!!”

    Thinking people only need ask 3 simple questions about Glenn Beck to know whether or not he is a Zionist agent of deception:

    1) Whom does he work for?
    2) How big is his following?
    3) What is his stand on 9/11?

    The answers to all of those 3 questions ALL confirm Beck is a phony in the minds of those of us who took the red pill. Those in the “matrix” will follow him all the way to the bitter end.

    The author also stated, “IN ORDER TO SUCCESSFULLY DECEIVE – YOU MUST USE TRUTH.” That is 100% TRUE.

    Food for thought:

    Are Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin the most dangerous threats to the world’s not-too-distant future? I say give us Beck and Palin, and we’ll be weepin’ and a wailin’!

  19. cabotar
    March 10, 2010 at 9:06 pm

    I agree…..I am suspicious because I don’t know who wrote this nor is there any documentation. If all of this is true, then Beck is only acting like CNN & the others….i.e. bending our minds to their way. Good Lord!! Is there any hope for us plebs & peasants when it comes to the truth>

    • March 10, 2010 at 10:05 pm


      If it’s mainstream media, it’s propaganda. I have seen many documentaries on the true agenda behind the mainstream media, but the one I posted today is, hands down, the best I’ve seen. Here is a link to it:

      Behind The Big News: Propaganda and the CFR

  20. Janet
    March 10, 2010 at 10:18 pm

    I am wondering if Grand Delusion did their research before writing this article. I cannot find who wrote this article, nor his references. It took me 5 minuttes to research his comment about G.W. Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, funding Hitler’s rise to power.
    What I found out was: ” Rumors about the alleged Nazi ‘ties’ of the late Prescott Bush… See More … have circulated widely through the internet in recent years. These charges are untenable and politically motivated. Despite some early financial dealings between Prescott Bush and a Nazi industrialist named Fritz Thyssen (who was arrested by the Nazi regime in 1938 and imprisoned during the war), Prescott Bush was ne ither a Nazi nor a Nazi sympathizer.” – The Anti Defamation League. Found in Wikipedia under his Union Banking Corp. dealings. And for the author to say that a full 1/3 of the entire U.S. population are 9/11 truther is harder for me to believe than Glenn Beck being “the most valuable player on Team Obama than anyone else.” And again, where is his research? I haven’t decided myself whether ther is a 9/11 cover up and by whose hands yet or not, but hey… 1/3? That a heck of a lot of people.
    I agree with Bob Winterhalter…if one were to believe this then where would one draw the line? Let’s face it, anyone with limits on his time has to choose what is the most important facts to get across to make his point…nobody, not even G.B. has unlimited time to discourse on every single opinion out there. If we all are to be judged by what we “didn’t” say rather than what we did say, well then….G. B. himself says to do your own research and “question boldly”. I’d still like to know where this author did their research.

    • jacmo55
      March 11, 2010 at 2:30 pm

      My thoughts exactly

      • nekokinoshita
        March 18, 2010 at 3:50 pm

        Jacmo55, and Janet,

        If you actually believe that “Wikipedia” qualifies as an authority, then you should shut your computer off and go back to sitting in front of the TV, because there is no chance that you would recognize the truth, even if it jumped up and bit you in the ass.

      • Recce1
        August 31, 2010 at 11:53 pm

        nekokinoshi, if you think Wikipedia is the only reference source that debunks the myth about Prescott Bush funding the nazis then ” there is no chance that you would recognize the truth, even if it jumped up and bit you in the ass.”

        Furthermore, Jacmo55 and Janet show more class than you do.

  21. March 10, 2010 at 11:39 pm

    He’s a gatekeeper

    I have something at my site called “a citizens guide to understanding corporate media propaganda techniques”

    Feel free to give input, it’s had a lot already.

  22. yayaone
    March 11, 2010 at 12:16 am

    @jayrod87 Well said. We shouldn’t be following what anybody says until we’ve done our own research; and I mean thoroughly. With the easy access to every idea out there by the internet one needs to be careful that they are getting to the truth of the issue researched.

  23. March 11, 2010 at 10:03 am

    This is a great peice, and truthful. I was following Beck because he started talking about the things I had written about for over ten years now. However, because I have sunk hundreds of hours in to research, things seemed Conveniently left out of his teachable moments. This again is well written and I will add you to my blog roll.

  24. thesovereignson
    March 11, 2010 at 10:26 am

    Great read, really gives you something to think about concerning the next generation and how they are taught to process information.

  25. maasanova
    March 11, 2010 at 1:58 pm

    Glen Beck and his “Christian” buddy Joel C. Rosenberg are Judas goats preparing the sheep for war with Iran.

    Why Glenn Beck and the state run media are really demonizing 9/11 Truth

  26. freewildacres
    March 11, 2010 at 2:18 pm

    This about sums up what I’ve been saying about Glenn Beck for the past few months.
    I love how he simplifies the 911 truthers agenda so that to the uninformed sheep they sound like evil unpatriotic anarchists. Hopefully some of his loyal fans start doing their own research.

    • March 12, 2010 at 12:58 pm

      His fans don’t have to do the work. After his first books he found that if he puts the source for what he says he can control the information.

  27. hughaskew
    March 11, 2010 at 7:29 pm

    The above picture of Glenn Beck tells me all I need to know about him. He is wearing what I call the “Masonic Blue” or “United Nations Blue” color tie, that is a
    signal/symbol that he is part of the one world government crowd. Look around, and you will see many, many, people on TV wearing that exact color of tie. Bush, Clinton, several TV news casters, Congressmen, etc, just look, you will see it.
    Well, sure, you think I am nuts, fine, but check out “Signs and Symbols Of the Illuminati” by Texe Marrs. You will begin to “see” for yourself.

    • Recce1
      April 12, 2010 at 11:16 pm

      I didn’t think conspiracy theorists could get much more out of touch with reality but you hughaskew have prove me wrong. There’re certain colors and patterns of clothes that show better than others on TV due to they way TV signals are interlaced.

      However, I’ll bet it Beck wore red or pink you’d call him a communist or a fellow traveler. If he wore yellow you’d likely call him a coward.

      What I think you need to wear is straight jacket white.

  28. March 11, 2010 at 9:14 pm

    One possibly positive feature of Glenn Beck’s huge following is that he serves to provoke serious investigation by citizens who now acknowledge their ignorance of history and the reality of contemporary politics.

    There is no doubt that Beck is aligned closely with the GOP neocon movement, surely as dangerous to the country as the progressive movement about which he rants so vehemently.

    Regarding the latter, why does Beck worship at the altar of one of the most evil and prolific godfathers of the tyrannical, war-mongering progressives, i.e., Abraham Lincoln?

    To affirm this philosophical paradox or abject hypocrisy, Beck has chosen the Lincoln Memorial as the site for his August 2010 rally for (liberty?) in Washington. Promoting fidelity to truth and the Conatitution?

    Say what?

    In his frenetic efforts at self-education over the past few years, he’s apparently missed the enlightening, incisive histories recently authored books and articles by truth-teller Thomas DiLorenzo of Loyola University in Baltimore. See his archives at

    More specifically, see his “The Real Lincoln” (2003) and “Lincoln Unmasked” (2006) and wonder how Glenn Beck has missed the Hegelian, Marxist DNA of ‘Honest Abe’ so prevalent in our political leaders even today.

    And we elect them, so why do we “rally” wherever?

  29. March 12, 2010 at 12:56 am

    The person who wrote this is an absolute ignorant idiot. Glen Beck will go down in history as one of the greatest fighters for freedom in the USA during a time when the president and his little group of gangsters are trying to destroy the very foundation of our country. I am thankful for people like Glen Beck. The idiot who wrote this hogwash will never be remembered by anybody that matters.

  30. March 12, 2010 at 2:42 am

    You, sir, are demonstrating ignorance. I won’t assume that to be absolute, as there is a cure for ignorance, and I won’t stoop to calling you an idiot. Unfortunately, you don’t understand those who are deceiving you and how they work.

    Beck and Obama are serving the same masters. Beck stated that people who want to know the Truth about 9/11 are out to destroy the USA. Is that someone worthy of your admiration? If so, that is sad. And just who is it that “matters”? The mainstream media’s propaganda artists? Our noble neocon politicians in Washington DC? You?

    Truth has never mattered to most people who “matter”; that’s the way it’s always been. We in the tiny minority who love Truth above all else look more at the what than the who. One day Truth will be revealed to the majority, and the world will be freed from the shackles of ignorance…but not by man’s efforts. In the meantime, I encourage you to dig a little deeper and THINK. There is a thinking shortage, you know.

    Neo-con artists like Glenn Beck use axiomatic Truth to fool the simple-minded into giving credence to their lies. They are deep thinkers and skillful actors and orators who have no conscience to hinder; that’s why they’re successful at deceiving those who are too busy and/or caught up in their emotions to outthink them. To stay ahead of the liars, you must become cool as a cucumber, wise as a serpent, and harmless as a dove.

  31. moonbeam45
    March 12, 2010 at 9:15 pm

    I have read all the comments to this article and have come to one conclusion.

    I agree Beck is bought and paid for. I agree there is some questions on 9-11-01.

    I have learned that the only people we can trust is ourselves. I want the truth, painful as it may be. That’s the only way we can save our country.

    • March 12, 2010 at 9:34 pm

      Man, those are words of truth. The truth will be painful, but not as painful as if we choose not to see truth.

  32. malachiteblue
    March 12, 2010 at 10:05 pm

    I agree with the author, and like to add that this blog, and most of the free web today, also is a part of controlled opposition, thanks to all of that outlets, we can let some steam out, in safe environment without blowing stuff up, or throwing up usurpers! But in the world of big politics, power and money, every day of our debating, deciphering, bickering, as usual, billions are being stolen, and major agendas pushed ever further.
    Do you realize how many things have got done already in a year, that never are going to be reversed? Just think about for a moment….
    Than just go back to your “blah, blah, blah” and feel good about that you did so much for your country today.

  33. March 13, 2010 at 5:10 pm

    amazing blog… is there anyway to get
    e mail notif of future blog posts ?

    • March 13, 2010 at 7:42 pm

      Thank you. We are in the process of moving the blog to its own domain and changing the theme to include a login. Once this has been completed, you can register to receive updates to your email.

  34. March 13, 2010 at 8:46 pm

    ACTUALLY, when I made my original comment
    there were two boxes to tick
    one for replys to the comment
    and the other for future posts,
    so maybe Im already signed up for future
    blog posts ?

    Glen Beck thread,
    go here

    • March 13, 2010 at 9:34 pm

      You might only be signed up to receive comments for the “Beck Deception” article. We posted several new items tonight, so if you didn’t get those in your email, you are probably only getting new comments to this thread.

      Thanks for the link!

  35. jinohio
    March 14, 2010 at 8:53 am

    Fantastic! This post is absolutely right!

    Since there are no options to contact you except these comments, please note that
    You will get just enough truth, but you will never get all of it, for it you did,…”
    should read “for if you did,”
    And “As I dug more and more into the 9/11 Truth Movement and I seen the legitimate…”
    should read “…Movement and I saw the legitimate”
    Kudos to you for an outstanding article.

    • March 14, 2010 at 10:27 am

      Thank you jinohio. I made the corrections.

  36. March 14, 2010 at 9:08 am

    someone said that glen was a user of cannabis
    for years and years.. he even did coke too
    not to mention his drink problem

    Considering all this its amazing that he does
    his TV so well as well
    add to that he is a good
    speaker at live venues.

    All those years of drugs and booze
    dont seem to have addled his brain !

  37. Troy
    March 14, 2010 at 11:13 am

    It’s nice to see that there are people, other than me, that can see through the BS that is being spoon-fed to us. Good article! You nailed it!!!

  38. recce1
    March 16, 2010 at 3:30 am

    As I see it Charles, you’re saying that if someone isn’t a radical Libertarian who believes 9/11 was an inside job and that that Mr. Obama isn’t eligible to hold the presidency, they’re intentionally trying to deceive people. That’s quite doctrinaire, don’t you think? Could it just be that Beck is wrong on those issues or that he doesn’t see the benefit of pursuing them at this juncture in time?

    During my college years, more decades ago than I care to admit, I was a Libertarian. But then they were taken over by radicals who were essentially anarchists. I use anarchists in the original meaning, not the molotov cocktail set. So I became a conservative Republican. Now the GOP is ruled by the neoconservatives.

    If I recall correctly, when Beck described the Truthers and Birthers as dangerous he didn’t mean they were violent but that they were dangerous to conservatives trying to take back Congress and the White House. Am I incorrect? Can you supply video of Beck saying they were violent?

    I haven’t seen or heard of any Truthers, Birthers, or Tea Party members resorting to violence. I have heard of amnesty supporters, SEIU, ACORN, NBPP, leftist college protesters, and G-20 protesters resorting to violence, including beatings and assassination attempts however.

    What disturbs me is the people demanding ideological purity. Well, there is no such creature. while I believe in the Constitution, I don’t demand an instant return to Article 1 Section 8. Such a radical shift would not only cause a depression, b ut almost certainly a revolution, not as in the American Revolution but as in either the French Revolution or the Russian Revolution. I have no doubt the Obama/Reid/Pelosi Triumvirate would welcome the latter.

  39. yayaone
    March 18, 2010 at 4:09 pm

    nekokinoshita :
    Jacmo55, and Janet,
    If you actually believe that “Wikipedia” qualifies as an authority, then you should shut your computer off and go back to sitting in front of the TV, because there is no chance that you would recognize the truth, even if it jumped up and bit you in the ass.

    Pray tell, and what authorizes your method of research? And leave the sarcasm out please. I was not rude in my response and there’s no need for it here.

  40. March 21, 2010 at 9:39 am

    recce1 :


    Am I to assume if one doesn’t believe 9/11 was orchestrated by Bush and cronies they’re tools of the New World Order? Does remaining “objective” mean accepting the 9/11 Truthers’ claim our government was behind the terrorist tragedy or does it mean always questioning even when faced with a truth?

    Of course you are not to assume that anyone not believing our government was involved in 9/11 is a tool of the NWO. Not everyone is involved – not everyone has done their due diligance – not everyone cares. There is a lot of the 9/11 Truth Movement who simply reject the “official story”.. and rightly so. I don’t think anyone believes the story provided by the government. Why would they? Their account is hugely lacking, and that’s a fact. Then there are others who truly believe the government was involved. Why would that be so far fetched? Are you aware of Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, the attack on the USS Liberty, etc?

    If you are “remaining objective” without doing any research whatsoever, relying on the media (propaganda box) for your truth, you are part of the problem. People need to turn off their TV’s and get busy researching on their own.

    What research have you done? Have you gone through wreckage, been to the WTC site, experimented with controlled demolition, flown large aircraft, or witnessed a building collapse? Or has your research been secondhand? I’m not saying secondhand research is unimportant; sometimes it’s all we have. But to disparage Beck and others who aren’t convinced of such a conspiracy isn’t logical or fair.

    Have you done these things? Don’t you think this is a ridiculous question? What I’ve done is taken into consideration the findings of experts, architects/engineers, pilots, top-ranking military, scientists, etc. If you understood my article, it doesn’t berate Beck for “not believing”.. it tells you to seek out alternative information sources because A) Beck should not ridicule you for asking questions about anything (he does this to control the opposition).. and B) The media does not exist to “inform” but to “program” you to go along with the agenda. False flag attacks are carried out by governments. That is a fact. To be branded as “lunatic fringe” for questioning is a tactic of schoolyard bullying used to keep you in a state of dumb. As an American, it is your duty to question your government.

    What have you done?

    Let me ask, are you an agent provocateur? Is your goal to get a major network to make claims that can’t be substantiated in court, possible because of corruption, and bring about Obama’s stated goal of instituting the Fairness Doctrine to silence non-progressives? I doubt it but that’s a risk you’re taking. Would that make you part of the New world Order? See how easy it is to use innuendo to make an unfair claim.

    So I should be a good little slave, keep my mouth shut, not exercise my freedom of thought or speech – because you are afraid the Fairness Doctrine might be instituted? Whoa. You have way too much faith in the propaganda box. You truly believe you are getting a “fair account” of news from either side of the media? People in other countries know how we are propagandized because they are not subjected to it. I do believe it’s high time that you turn off your TV.

    I believe Beck was saying on TV the danger the 9/11 Truthers posed was to the chances of conservatives and libertarians taking back the Republican Party and in turn Congress. I doubt he ever implied they were a physical threat to the nation. Now he has implied that ACORN, SEIU, and the Aztlan crowd were. Am I wrong? But I guess I’m a danger because I’ll likely vote for a third party as I feel I’ve given the Republicans enough chances and that like the Democrats they’ve got their heads up and locked.

    Your belief would be incorrect. You must have missed the Beck episode where he said that the president was in danger (yes, physical danger) and he tied this to 9/11 Truthers. It’s not that they have their head up their asses – it’s that there is no difference between the agenda of the left or right. One just works faster than the other. The right/left paradigm is an illusion, it’s a tactic used to have people choose sides and then in-fight. While they are kept busy doing this, our government carries on with their Fabian style socialism.

    But it seems you’ve taken extreme umbrage with Beck because he doesn’t believe the 9/11 Conspiracy and doesn’t think the questioning of Obama’s birth would be productive. For those reasons you think he’s an enemy who must be destroyed. Aren’t you’re demanding ideological purity matching your perspective?
    But you fail to really outline your worldview. In what direction do you think this country should be heading, or should we just be head hunting?
    By the way, here’s an argument supporting the quest to demand Obama’s birth certificate that I rarely see. Did you know the Democrats went to court and held congressional hearings to prevent Goldwater, Romney, and McCain from running for the presidency claiming that they weren’t NATURAL BORN CITIZENS and were therefore ineligible. All three met their accusers demands in court and supplied demanded documents. Why not Obama?
    Why aren’t we in the Democrats’ faces demanding fair play or exposing them for the hypocrites and charlatans they are? Why’re we afraid to say publicly and in their face we don’t believe they believe in the Constitution, but if they do, there’s any easy way to prove it?


    You went way off into several tangents in these paragraphs. My article wasn’t about my ideas for saving the world, it was about Glenn Beck and controlled opposition.

    You are giving way too much credit to “democrats.” Turn off your TV and research the New World Order and who is really in control of what is going on. Stop getting tangled up in “political correctness”.. it is a means of programming and social nudging. Think for yourself. The first rule of battle is to “know your enemy.” If people were not in such a state of zombieism and consumerism, unable to think for themselves, I doubt that we would be so deep in shit.

    Turn off your TV. The truth will not be televised.

    • recce1
      March 23, 2010 at 12:28 am

      Grand Delusion,

      I’m well aware of Operation Northwoods, and much more. Now tell me, was it carried out? Wasn’t it an operation designed under a Democrat president, namely JFK? To his credit as I recall Pres. Kennedy rejected the plan, however I believe Alex Jones once claimed that Pres. Kennedy was assassinated because of his decision. By the way, the Northwoods plan, or I should say plans, called for mock victims, not real ones as in 9/11. But tell me, was Operation Northwoods more likely an outline for 9/11 or the Bojinka Plot which involved bombing about eleven airliners from Asia headed towards the US? Or was the Bojinka Plot also an US Red Flag operation?

      And what about the attack on the USS Liberty? Are you claiming it was carried out by US forces or what? It also happened under a Democrat president, am I not correct? And what about the USS Pueblo which was attacked about six months later, was that another Red Flag operation? Just what was the primary cause of both incidents? Are Cobra Judy, Cobra Dane, and Cobra Ball also all false flag operations or provocations?

      As for my ridiculous question, yes I’ve done some of those things, not all related to 9/11 though. But are you not doing what you accuse me of, “remaining objective” without doing any research whatsoever, relying on the media (propaganda box) for your truth…”

      And are you not being disingenuous for saying “it doesn’t berate Beck for “not believing.” That’s exactly what you’re doing. Yes you do urge people to seek out alternative information and that’s an excellent suggestion, I would say an excellent passionate urging.

      But please don’t be aliterate. I didn’t urge you to not to exercise your freedom of speech in any manner, shape, or form. I urged you to consider the consequences of unsubstantiated accusations. You speak of conspiracies. Are you not aware of the numerous attempts, many successful, by the Left to disparage conservatives by pretending to be conservatives and making outlandish claims or showing up at conservative rallies carrying repugnant but supposedly conservative signs? For example, what about the false report by Contessa Brewer on MSNBC suggesting a White man was toting an assault rifle at an Obama rally when it turned out the man was Black and that the video was intentionally edited? And if you want to consider conspiracies, do you think all the signs at the Tea Party Rally were made and held by conservatives? Or am I crazy for suggesting that liberal agent provocateurs could have been responsible for some of them?

      But are you trying to interfere with my freedoms by saying turn off my TV? Of course you’re not, yet you harp on that in several places without any indication I rely on TV for news except on your unmerited presumption. However, I think you’re just saying that you believe that most if not all of the networks are far too biased. Guess what? I agree with you and therefore I get information not only and not primarily from TV, but from other sources. And if I told you about some of the sources and means, you might be tempted to call me a traitor for serving my country like certain high up people supporting the Truther movement did.

      As for the government’s road towards fabian socialism, may I say you hit the nail on the head. It started in ernest under FDR, got on to a good road under Bush, and now is on an eight-lane superhighway under Mr. Obama. By the way, I did miss Beck trying to tie physical danger to Mr. Obama to the Truthers. But I didn’t miss his saying the danger posed to conservatives from a political point of view in trying to take back the Republican Party. I’m not sure you or I think it’s possible or even worthwhile though.

      Although you made a change in format in your response, I believe it’s important to state my worldview. I’m a conservative, or should I say 19th century liberal, who believes in a democratic REPUBLIC under the Rule of Constitutional Law, and I’m a conservative fundamentalist Christian as well. That means I believe the Constitution means what it says and says what it means. If we believe the Constitution is wrong or doesn’t address an area adequately, then there’s a process to change it, not creative interpretation in Congress or through the courts. I don’t think that’s a tangent about saving the world, I leave that to Jesus. I just believe in trying to save what’s left of a once great country by speaking out against rigid ideological purity as a test of patriotism, which is what I’ve accused you of doing, perhaps unfairly.

      As for we being in deep kimchee because of people being in such a state of zombieism and consumerism, unable to think for themselves, again you’ve hit a nail on the head, hard.

      But please, don’t think that people who don’t believe in the theory that our government was behind 9/11 or think that Mr. Obama is qualified to hold office (and I think I’ve indicated my stance) therefore aren’t thinking for themselves.


      • March 23, 2010 at 11:11 am


        Seems you have a lot on your mind and a lot to say. May I suggest you start your own blog?

        P.S. Turn off your TV. The truth will not be televised.

  41. recce1
    March 23, 2010 at 3:17 pm

    granddelusion :
    Seems you have a lot on your mind and a lot to say. May I suggest you start your own blog?
    P.S. Turn off your TV. The truth will not be televised.


    But did you read what I wrote? I understand your distrust of network news sources, which we must remember even with independent minded commentators are controlled by monied interests and their gaggle of pettifoggers, but as I said, most of my information doesn’t come from TV, but other sources.


  42. April 12, 2010 at 10:59 pm

    i saw though beck long time ago as for the 9/11 i new it was all lies and a set up for power,money thats why we have war to make money. Bush new the time, place
    and who would carry out 9/11. It was all a set-up. Lives mean nothing to U S gov.
    I will not watch any TV news it’s all lies. the plans for this government is to start depopulation America and the ones that believe in GOD is where they will start. The Military biggest religion and growing fast and being push is Pagan religion. The Government (NWO) does not want GOD in America. The Army War College has all ready written the rules on this.

  43. Recce1
    April 12, 2010 at 11:32 pm

    C Ward,

    May I suggest that you learn to write in a cogent erudite manner? You may have something important to say, but if you lack writing skills how will you convey your concerns to others, let alone motivate them to act?

    By the way, have you attended the Army War College or any of the other military schools or education courses for officers? Have you even served in the military? Can you provide any links to any rules written by such schools advocating the depopulation of America, paganism, or that the military doesn’t want God in America? Why do I doubt that you can answer any of the foregoing questions?

    • April 13, 2010 at 11:16 am


      Don’t come here and play teacher. You don’t like the message so you attack the way it was presented. You have no idea if English is a first or second language for C Ward (although I didn’t have a problem with how his/her post was delivered).

      Don’t you think you would be better off on the FOX News blog – surrounded by your neocon friends?

      It’s lazy ass, zombified, good slaves (loving their enslavement and begging for more) like you who are at much fault for the problems in this country.

      Once again, turn off your TV and stop regurgitating mainstream propaganda as “your own opinion.” You are being lied to. Become a self-thinker. Stop relying on the propaganda machine for your thoughts and opinions.

      • April 13, 2010 at 3:30 pm


        I find it surprising for how much you love self-thinkers, you really hate it when someone questions or challenges you. You are so damn pious you can’t even engage in debate. Anyone who has a different opinion than you is obviously part of the conspiracy, so you just discount them; however, they may be very educated on the topic.

        On another note, “(although I didn’t have a problem with how his/her post was delivered).” ugh, can you be any more self righteous? good for you that you had no problem with C ward’s post, although it was probably because your own writing mechanics are so bad that you couldn’t even recognize how bad that post was. –oh and I know that’s an attack on how you presented your posts, but i never claimed to be above those types of comments 😉

        Basically, I am sick of your psycho-babble. At least engage in debate and stop complaining when people call you out, or come back with your standard “Turn off your TV. The truth will not be televised.” seriously, if you believe that everything on TV is a lie, and the internet is full of truth, then you are simply naive.

        The internet is a great tool for the advancement of freedom and liberty, but it can also be misused by people like you who claim superior knowledge and intellect. Hell, from a logistical standpoint, it would be much easier for the “NWO” to simply use the internet to spread their lies to gullible/tin-hat people like you.

        “Stop relying on the propaganda machine for your thoughts and opinions.”…so I guess that means that we should just rely on you then huh?

      • Recce1
        April 15, 2010 at 1:40 am

        Why am I not surprised by your puerile display of aliteracy and bellicosity granddelu? I believe that being able to write in a cogent and erudite manner is crucial to trying to get one’s point across. You should be encouraging people to write like Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry, and Benjamin Franklin. God knows we need people like them. And I don’t claim to be such a writer.

        If I can encourage or teach people to write in such a manner; great. However, I highly doubt English is a second language for C Ward, but if it is, it would behoove him to improve his writing skills. He might have something important to say but he’s ineffective at doing so. That was my point which seemed to pass over your head, at quite an altitude I might mention.

        Instead of understanding the salient points that I stated, you resort to an ad hominem attack despite the fact that from numerous previous comments I made you should know the vitriolic rhetoric spewed isn’t true. It would seem that if someone doesn’t believe what conjure up, you insist they’re getting their information from media you disapprove of. And if someone asks questions of you or another poster supporting your convoluted ideas, which is what you demand we ask of the government, you lose all composure. For that reason, the vitriolic manner of your reaction, and the ignoring of the questions I asked, make me question your mental stability. Of course you could prove me wrong by apologizing and answering the questions I raised. But for some reason i don’t believe you’re up backing up your accusations or C Ward’s.

        C Ward made accusations which if he can’t prove are nothing short of libelous. From your reaction however, I suspect that innuendoes, slander, and prevarications are just tools in your political bag of tools, much like those on the Left. So just what is your goal; the education (teaching) of the American public or the destruction of government? Please have the courage and integrity to answer this vital question.

        Unfortunately, as JayRob87 implies, it seems that you really don’t care for self thinkers; you only support those who supplicate before your “superior” wisdom. Your motto telling people to open their minds and forget everything they know is so reminiscent of brainwashing techniques. By the way, opening one’s mind has been described like opening a parachute. Done properly, it will get you down safely, most of the time. Open it too much and it will streamer. Well you’re in free fall with a streaming chute my friend. Disparaging me about it won’t help.

        Of course I’m lazy assed. Maybe I can’t get around very well because I’m a disabled vet, someone who served so you could put your mouth in motion before putting your brain in gear. Maybe I’m also responsible for the country’s problems because I believe in the Constitution, something I doubt you either appreciate or understand and something many of our leaders from Woodrow Wilson to Mr. Obama have nothing but disdain for. But I suppose you equate action with being a Molotov Cocktail thrower.

        You imply that only your opinion is valid, and that all others are propaganda. What utter hubris and conceit. Why should I not conclude that one of the people I believe is lying to me is you? You haven’t the cojones to admit that if someone makes incendiary statements about military schools it’s perfectly fair for someone to ask them to back their statements. However, you’d rather accuse them of being a neocon, something I doubt you even know the definition, objectives, or motivations of.

        So granddelu, you need to stop throwing puerile temper tantrums and grow up if you want to convince Americans of the truth that both parties have lost their way, no, have abandoned the American way and that what we need to do is dust off the Declaration of Independence, take it to heart with a vengeance, and work to restore this once great hope to a democratic Republic under the rule of Constitutional Law. Are you up to it or do you just want to be rebellious as if that were some badge of honor?

  44. Janet Carucci
    April 14, 2010 at 5:42 pm

    Elizabeth, I can’t tell you how proud I am of you. Way to go, girl! You didn’t mention he is also a Mormon. Janet

  45. WOW
    April 14, 2010 at 10:07 pm

    Wow. I thought that anyone having a small brain would understand that you only believe half of what you hear, and that half you must decide what really happened. Glenn Beck can only answer questions asked. He has not gotten to the root of the issues yet. He does understand the repercussions of the actions being taken by this gov. Yes this gov. not just Bush. I do understand that this is yet a faceless attack on Glen for not agreeing with the 20% of America that believe in the communism way.
    (p.s.: if you are going to throw stones, use spell check and no contractions. It will gain you more creditablity. Blasting or name-calling is a childish game that adults do not have time to play. We have been told about folks like that and are told to just report them.)

    • April 15, 2010 at 11:07 am

      Another idiot who loves their enslavement and begs for more.

      We have been told about folks like that and are told to just report them.

      You might wish to read the fricking constitution, you demoralized, indoctrinated, propagandized fool! Do you even comprehend what you wrote? You “have been told to just report them?” Unfortunately, our nation is full of indoctrinated zombies such as yourself, who “have been told” to report people for crimes of free speech.

      I am disgusted and sickened by fools like you.

      • Recce1
        April 16, 2010 at 7:36 am

        Granddelu, maybe you’d like to say who on this forum advocated reporting people for “crimes of free speech.” WOW didn’t. Perhaps you’re not aware of it, but most sites are privately owned and thus have the right to set standards of courtesy and decency which isn’t considered censorship. Such private companies don’t need to provide forums for uncouth flamers and there’s nothing in the Constitution that says otherwise. Or are you becoming paranoid? Or could it be that you don’t really understand the Constitution as it refers to speech?

        By the way, since you’re so sickened and disgusted with those who disagree with you, when will you start advocating psychushkas, gulags, and killing fields?

  46. April 15, 2010 at 10:28 am

    Recce1 :

    Why am I not surprised by your puerile display of aliteracy and bellicosity granddelu? I believe that being able to write in a cogent and erudite manner is crucial to trying to get one’s point across. You should be encouraging people to write like Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry, and Benjamin Franklin. God knows we need people like them. And I don’t claim to be such a writer.

    If I can encourage or teach people to write in such a manner; great. However, I highly doubt English is a second language for C Ward, but if it is, it would behoove him to improve his writing skills. He might have something important to say but he’s ineffective at doing so. That was my point which seemed to pass over your head, at quite an altitude I might mention.

    Instead of understanding the salient points that I stated, you resort to an ad hominem attack despite the fact that from numerous previous comments I made you should know the vitriolic rhetoric spewed isn’t true. It would seem that if someone doesn’t believe what conjure up, you insist they’re getting their information from media you disapprove of. And if someone asks questions of you or another poster supporting your convoluted ideas, which is what you demand we ask of the government, you lose all composure. For that reason, the vitriolic manner of your reaction, and the ignoring of the questions I asked, make me question your mental stability. Of course you could prove me wrong by apologizing and answering the questions I raised. But for some reason i don’t believe you’re up backing up your accusations or C Ward’s.

    C Ward made accusations which if he can’t prove are nothing short of libelous. From your reaction however, I suspect that innuendoes, slander, and prevarications are just tools in your political bag of tools, much like those on the Left. So just what is your goal; the education (teaching) of the American public or the destruction of government? Please have the courage and integrity to answer this vital question.

    Unfortunately, as JayRob87 implies, it seems that you really don’t care for self thinkers; you only support those who supplicate before your “superior” wisdom. Your motto telling people to open their minds and forget everything they know is so reminiscent of brainwashing techniques. By the way, opening one’s mind has been described like opening a parachute. Done properly, it will get you down safely, most of the time. Open it too much and it will streamer. Well you’re in free fall with a streaming chute my friend. Disparaging me about it won’t help.

    Of course I’m lazy assed. Maybe I can’t get around very well because I’m a disabled vet, someone who served so you could put your mouth in motion before putting your brain in gear. Maybe I’m also responsible for the country’s problems because I believe in the Constitution, something I doubt you either appreciate or understand and something many of our leaders from Woodrow Wilson to Mr. Obama have nothing but disdain for. But I suppose you equate action with being a Molotov Cocktail thrower.

    You imply that only your opinion is valid, and that all others are propaganda. What utter hubris and conceit. Why should I not conclude that one of the people I believe is lying to me is you? You haven’t the cojones to admit that if someone makes incendiary statements about military schools it’s perfectly fair for someone to ask them to back their statements. However, you’d rather accuse them of being a neocon, something I doubt you even know the definition, objectives, or motivations of.

    So granddelu, you need to stop throwing puerile temper tantrums and grow up if you want to convince Americans of the truth that both parties have lost their way, no, have abandoned the American way and that what we need to do is dust off the Declaration of Independence, take it to heart with a vengeance, and work to restore this once great hope to a democratic Republic under the rule of Constitutional Law. Are you up to it or do you just want to be rebellious as if that were some badge of honor?

    Man, it’s really killing you that I won’t allow you to engage me. If anyone is grandiloquent, it is indubitably you.

    There are several things you need to apprehend:

    1. I have surmised that you are either a) a shill, or b) just not up to an adequate level of understanding with regard to reality, c) acutely afraid to concede to truth.

    2. You resist the message by assaulting the messenger. This is not only cowhearted, it is vexatious.

    3. The internet allows anyone to access a thesaurus these days. You are not impressing anyone with your words.

    I didn’t create this blog in order to spend my days in heated debate with people who cannot handle the message. If you don’t like the blog posts, my opinions or the opinions of others who are like-minded, you are free to visit blogs that are conducive to your way of thinking (any mainstream propaganda blog should do).

    In short – I will pick my battles, and I certainly have no desire to waste my time with your displaced ego. If you continue to get on this blog and berate people for their vernacular abilities, I’m going to ban you from the blog.

    Believe me when I tell you that no one is impressed with your big words.

  47. April 15, 2010 at 10:35 am

    JayRod87 :


    I find it surprising for how much you love self-thinkers, you really hate it when someone questions or challenges you. You are so damn pious you can’t even engage in debate. Anyone who has a different opinion than you is obviously part of the conspiracy, so you just discount them; however, they may be very educated on the topic.

    On another note, “(although I didn’t have a problem with how his/her post was delivered).” ugh, can you be any more self righteous? good for you that you had no problem with C ward’s post, although it was probably because your own writing mechanics are so bad that you couldn’t even recognize how bad that post was. –oh and I know that’s an attack on how you presented your posts, but i never claimed to be above those types of comments ;-)

    Basically, I am sick of your psycho-babble. At least engage in debate and stop complaining when people call you out, or come back with your standard “Turn off your TV. The truth will not be televised.” seriously, if you believe that everything on TV is a lie, and the internet is full of truth, then you are simply naive.

    The internet is a great tool for the advancement of freedom and liberty, but it can also be misused by people like you who claim superior knowledge and intellect. Hell, from a logistical standpoint, it would be much easier for the “NWO” to simply use the internet to spread their lies to gullible/tin-hat people like you.

    “Stop relying on the propaganda machine for your thoughts and opinions.”…so I guess that means that we should just rely on you then huh?


    You don’t have to listen to me at all. You can continue to listen to the likes of Keith Olberman. I’ve seen your blog. Turn off your TV.

  48. April 16, 2010 at 12:45 pm

    Recce1 :

    Granddelu, maybe you’d like to say who on this forum advocated reporting people for “crimes of free speech.” WOW didn’t. Perhaps you’re not aware of it, but most sites are privately owned and thus have the right to set standards of courtesy and decency which isn’t considered censorship. Such private companies don’t need to provide forums for uncouth flamers and there’s nothing in the Constitution that says otherwise. Or are you becoming paranoid? Or could it be that you don’t really understand the Constitution as it refers to speech?

    By the way, since you’re so sickened and disgusted with those who disagree with you, when will you start advocating psychushkas, gulags, and killing fields?

    You have got to be the biggest idiot I’ve ever encountered. I placed in quotes what WOW said. Read it you frickin moron.

    I’m turning off comments for this blog because it has attracted lazy, flouridated, propagandized, dumbed-down, “political correct speak”, mainstream media regurgitating, slaves loving their enslavement – begging to lick the boots of their masters, disgusting morons such as yourself and WOW.

    One last time for you: Turn off your TV. Each time you comment, I can literally smell fried brain.

  49. DEBBIE
    May 10, 2010 at 5:36 am


    • Matt Thomas
      May 10, 2010 at 1:27 pm

      Wow, you have 500 friends?! You are so popular and have so much influence! And therefore you must be correct in your assessment of Grand Delusion. By all means, let all your friends know about the Grand Delusion. Maybe by so doing, the light will come on in one or two of their heads. Thanks!

    • May 10, 2010 at 3:39 pm

      Debbie, you are getting your programming confused. It’s “wing-nut vs. libtard.” You do understand the agenda of the mainstream media, correct? It’s not just Glenn Beck. Have you researched Operation Mockingbird? If you haven’t done that yet, it’s time. There are many good resources on this blog. Here’s a link to good information about Operation Mocking bird:

    • Recce1
      May 10, 2010 at 11:45 pm


      I see that since you audaciously challenged Grandelu he’s responding in his usual elitist manner. If you were to believe him the CIA has taken over all of the main stream media and is now taking over talk radio and the Fox Network. Only conspiracy theorists on the Internet are to be believed it would seem.

      Of course he’s fixated on claiming if you disagree with him you must be getting all of your information from TV, particularly the Fox network. Following Goebbel’s dictum he just keeps on repeating the accusation.

      Grand Delusion pretends he’s a libertarian, but I believe he’s more of a leftist. He seemingly believes everything is a conspiracy and if you dissent, out of his intolerant elitist hubris, he has a penchant of resorting to smearing you and engaging in ad hominem attacks. If you use big words he doesn’t seem to like or understand; as he seems to champion the lowest common denominator, is against erudite and cogent writing, or is against higher education in general; he threatens to ban you. Now since the blog site is his that’s his right and wouldn’t constitute censorship. But just read his rants to me above.

      Despite Grandelu’s histrionic writing, what were Beck’s “treasonous” acts? Grandelu isn’t about to let libel or slander stop him. It seems Beck failed to slander Bush’s grandfather with the false accusation of funding Hitler’s rise to power or because Beck didn’t agree with the Birthers, an issue on which I with Grandelu. But Beck believes it’s an unwinable issue and therefore nonproductive in opposing Obama’s socialist agenda. I disagree with that but I see his point. Beck also disagreed with the 9/11 Truthers so to Grandelu’s that makes Beck a grand deceiver, a shill, and part of Team Obama/Bush. Yet Beck clearly said that the 9/11 Truthers were dangerous to the consertvative and libertarian causes by making them look foolish, but Grandelu insinuates Beck said they were a physical danger to the nation.

      It’s unfortunate because on a number of issues Graqndelu raises valid concerns. But more than likely he’ll ban me for opposing him even though I won’t call him a “frickin” moron, idiot, or shill (all of which he’s called me) for the left, but I’ll just rather say I think he’s the one who’s deluded. Ask him pertinent questions and he ignores them, answers them with extraneous comments or videos, or resorts to personal attacks.

      Check out his exchange with me over what WOW wrote. Due to his aliteracy he resorts to his usual puerile smearing. While he claims he quoted WOW, nowhere did WOW say he or anyone else “’have been told’ to report people for crimes of free speech.” The addition of the word “crimes” radically changes the meaning of what WOW wrote. However, I doubt it was an accidental misquote by Grandelu. Grandelu seems to say that he created his blog so other could praise his alleged insightfulness and questionable wisdom.

      His motto, “Open Your Mind and Forget Everything You Know to Be True,” is interesting. Should we believe someone who believes everything is a lie and a conspiracy? Grandelu isn’t a seeker of truth or Truth; he’s a rebel who elevates skepticism to a religion. But as has been pointed out, if you dare open your mind and question him, well, hell knows no fury like…something…scorned. Personally, I think he’s an agent provocateur trying to do what he claims those who question him are doing, split the conservative/libertarian coalition so as to insure Mr. Obama’s success in his quest to institute his socialist agenda. Or is it that Grandelu prefers anarchy? Question everything, submit to nothing; that would be a better motto for him.

      • May 11, 2010 at 7:59 am

        Recce, can you stick to one topic at a time please?

        Are you not aware of “Operation Mockingbird?” Are you not aware that “Propaganda Media” is based upon “Psychological Operations Field Manual No.33-1” published in August 1979 by Department of the Army Headquarters in Washington DC?

        If you can stop attacking me and stick to debating the topics intelligently, I will allow your comments.

  50. Recce1
    May 12, 2010 at 9:15 am


    My comment was on subject, your attack on Debbie, and was addressed to her, not you. I guess you missed that. I take it you find posters on your site supporting each other against your attacks to be offensive.

    As far as Operation Mockingbird, the 1950s alleged and probably true effort by the CIA to infiltrate and influence the MSM, it has nothing to do with Glenn Beck. However, I see that you often like to bring in extraneous subjects in responding to specific questions or statements. Is that sticking to one subject at a time?

    I hardly found your “wing-nut vs. libtard” comment to be very erudite, so perhaps you should heed your own advice. If you want to ban me from the blog for pointing out that and other attacks you make on those who disagree with you, like WOW, such as calling me a “fricken moron, shill, and an idiot,” and implying I lied when I quoted you directly, that’s your choice and reflects on you; after all, you own the site. However, we both know the only discussions you consider intelligent are from those who do obeisance to you.

    But tell me this, are you a conservative, neoconservative, libertarian, liberal, progressive, or socialist in general political philosophy? I’ll be open and start the answer from my side. I’m a politically incorrect conservative who in my college years was a libertarian. For me they became too radical, playing with anarchy and adopting many of the views of the left, so I became a conservative Republican. While I’m still registered as a Republican so I can vote in the primaries in my state, I no longer feel that either major political party has the interests of the people or the Constitution at heart. In certain respects I consider myself a nineteenth century liberal, something radically different from today’s liberals.

    To return to the subject at hand, while many Americans have questions about 9/11, the majority definitely don’t believe the main contention of the 9/11 Truthers that Bush was behind the attacks. Beck clearly gave his reasons for not dwelling on the issue as you would have demanded of him. So please don’t try to obfuscate those two issues. However, what many find difficulty with in the 9/11 Commission Report are the actions of Jamie Gorelick to protect her former boss, Bill Clinton, which may have led to the failure of US intelligence agencies from stopping the 9/11 attacks. As far as I’m concerned, Carter, Bush Sr., Clinton, and Bush Jr. all share in the blame for crippling the ability of our intelligence agencies to work together effectively.

    So how did Beck try to “ruin” Debra Medina? Is questioning someone running for governor on a critical subject now considered off limits? And since she favors State nullification of Federal laws (which I wish would be held constitutional based on the Tenth Amendment and Article 1 Section 8), wouldn’t the subject of alleged Federal misconduct with regard to 9/11 be germane? But how would Medina have be ruined by not being elected?

    Also, where’s the proof that Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler to power and why is it that you demand a radio or TV commentator repeat unproven charges against someone? Do you believe that charge, even if true, should have disqualified Bush? That’s not showing independence or an inquisitive mind, it’s yellow journalism. No doubt you know where the term comes from.

    By the way, for someone who doesn’t make a living researching conspiracy theories, why would I be aware of “Psychological Operations Field Manual No.33-1 published in August 1979 by Department of the Army Headquarters in Washington DC?” I’m not doubting you that it exists, even though it seems to appear only on conspiracy blogs, but as I will repeat, I’m not a conspiracy enthusiast. I suppose I could ask you about a lot of documents I’m sure you haven’t a clue about, and shouldn’t have due to lack of a security clearance, but what would be the point? Just to score points?

    I will ask you however, are you aware of the Cox, Able Danger, or the Barrett Commission Reports, the Timberlake and Triplett document, or the TS SI SCI documents that Sandy Berger stole and destroyed? They do pertain to national security. Would they effect the 9/11 Commission findings or not? Now the questions are serious ones and may well support some of your contentions, or maybe not. In any event they should be discussed when it comes to major problems with the top leaders in the federal government, particularly when making allegations that our government was behind 9/11 and other incidents.

  51. Your Hero
    June 14, 2010 at 1:41 am

    More Jew propaganda. What BS. Nothing funnier than seeing one judas goat exposing another. Like watching Satan fighting Satan.

    • Recce1
      June 14, 2010 at 6:00 am

      Your Hero, I see you haven’t the the eruditeness, courage, nor integrity to reply cogently to what I wrote, but rather prefer in your petulant puerile animus to engage in an ad hominem attack like a true Sturmabteilung. So thank you for showing your anti-Semitic bigotry, at least it’s out in the open.

      By the way, as a follower and believer in a Jewish carpenter and rabbi, I’m an adopted Jew, and humbled by it. Furthermore, due to my specific Hispanic heritage I may well be descended from marranos or conversos. So if your want to continue spewing your bile, just remember there’ll be a judgment. Also remember, there’s also repentance and forgiveness.

  52. June 28, 2010 at 10:46 am

    I think Beck is doing a great service to the country as Rush does but in a little different way. He mentioned The Road to Serfdom and it is now #1 on Amazon (I’m even rereading it). His work on the Founders is quite refreshing.

    This writer–why is he not identified?– is the conspiracy theorist. His examples are grossly unfair –Beck has just so much time and he has come lately to learning history but he is catching up fast. No one’s perfect at what they do but I’ll take Beck with his faults as a positive for the future of freedom here. I could say that the writer is working for Obama to discredit Beck but I just think he is so far out in space that ignoring him is the kinder thing

  53. June 28, 2010 at 5:58 pm


    I have heard that there could possibly be a takeover of FOX News at some point in the future. Until that happens, why would you believe that an employee of the Zionist Rupert Murdoch Fox News Station would have any control over the ultimate content or idea behind any given show?

    You do understand that all mainstream media is propaganda, correct? You do know the handful of companies who own the media?

  54. Jim
    June 29, 2010 at 5:20 pm

    The term “controlled opposition” fits Glenn Beck to a “T”.

    Now, this doesn’t mean Beck is given a script to read, just that he and his worldview fit in nicely w/attempts to steer angry conservative Americans into a certain “acceptable” direction: namely, the Republican Party (which, honestly, really WILL cut govt this time around…just give ’em one more chance!).

    No one should forget that FoxNews was GWB’s biggest cheerleader, nor that it is 100% behind the “War On Terror” and ANYTHING it takes to ‘win’.

    Why would ANYONE think they’re gonna get the unfiltered truth from this same ‘news’ org?

  55. Jim
    June 29, 2010 at 5:26 pm

    The final straw, for me, was how Beck underhandedly and disgustingly tarred Barbara Medina w/the “Truther” label.

    Here was a very brave and anti-establishment woman saying some VERY good things…and Beck did his best (she probably would’ve lost anyways, but still) to torpedo her campaign.

    There was absolutely ZERO reason for Beck to bring up “9/11 Truth” w/his interviw w/Medina. It was an over-the-top and undeniable smear tactic. What little credibility he had, in my mind, vanished after that attack.

    He even came out in support of Rick Perry (shill for the NAFTA Superhighway)–who stands for everything Beck supposedly is against!!!

  56. Jim
    June 29, 2010 at 5:31 pm

    When the chips are down, everyone should expect Beck to rally to the side of the Establishment.

    Some have given him credit for “changing his mind” and coming to the right conclusion on some issues.

    Another way of looking at this:

    Maybe he realized that marginalizing certain individuals/groups (think Ron Paul & Tea Parties) was impossible due to widespread popular support, so he “changed his mind” and then attempted to manage/co-opt them and their effect on popular opinion.

    If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em, right?

  57. June 29, 2010 at 5:41 pm

    If you can’t beat ’em, bait & switch ’em!

  58. Jim
    June 29, 2010 at 5:57 pm

    From a practical standpoint, I CAN understand why someone would advise against pushing “9-11 Truth”, the “Birther” stuff, and other “conspiracy theories”.

    If Beck isn’t interested in any of this he can easily ignore it/refuse to report on it. Instead he actively conducts witchhunts against those he disagrees with.

    Does anyone NOT think the Gulf Of Tonkin “incident” which was used as an excuse to ramp up the Vietnam war was a total fabrication?

    If this transparent lie wasn’t enough to wake people up about the true nature of govt, what will?

    Maybe we should be trying to figure out WHY people are so inclined to mindlessly buy this kind of BS?

    WHY is it so easy for govt/media to feed ridiculously unbelievable propaganda to folks–and they BELIEVE IT?

    So, in a sense, I’ve kinda come to the conclusion that the efforts to “expose” things like 9/11 probably are mostly wastes of time.

    • July 2, 2010 at 12:16 am

      Jim, I agree with absolutely everything you said except the “waste of time.” I do believe that we are on the brink of such an exposure – such a huge exposure – that the sheep won’t know how to handle and many of them will handle it wrong.

      No take-over, such as the one that exists now and has been in existence for many, many years – has ever been a success. Every single one of them failed. And each time they were exposed, many died and many harmful things continued to happen for awhile.

      I do believe that the satanist evil cabal is crumbling and that we are in a “quickening” – where so much is happening at such a fast pace – and a brick wall exists. They will hit it hard when it happens.

    • Recce1
      July 3, 2010 at 5:02 pm

      Jim, Your Gulf of Tonkin analogy, of which the second naval battle of 08-04-64, as opposed to a real battle two days before, was a fabrication to justify increased involvement in Vietnam as you rightly imply, to either the 911 conspiracy theory or the rejection of facts about Obama’s possible birth outside the US, which I for one believe are true considering the efforts of Obama and the Democrats to obfuscate his records including not only any alleged real birth certificate but also educational admission records, falls short. Many true patriots who are neither fools nor sheep feel the same way. To demonize us as evil as some do isn’t the way to convince us of any argument.

      However, Granddelusion turned on Beck and demonizes him because Beck rejected the 911 Theory and as a political commentator isn’t willing to keep quiet on that issue when confronted and who also believes whether right or wrong that the Birther theory is a fruitless and even counterproductive pursuit. Like all too many true believing conspiracy buffs Granddelusion gets vicious and resorts to innuendoes, canards, prevarications, and ad hominen attacks against those who disagree with him on these issues.

      Nevertheless, America is at the crossroads. I believe it’s time we either dust off the Declaration of Independence and take it to heart with a vengeance, keeping in mind if need be the reason Jefferson said the Second Amendment was written, in order to restore this once great country to a democratic Republic under the rule of constitutional law or we become a socialist/fascist Balkanized country where we need to learn the direction to Mecca and buy a prayer rug in the East and learn Spanish in the West so we can understand what “Por La Raza todo. Fuerra de La Raza nada,” means.

      A politically incorrect conservative Hispanic

  59. Jim
    July 2, 2010 at 3:25 pm

    Well, maybe saying “waste of time” is too harsh.

    No one who pursues the truth is wasting their time.

    I guess what I’m saying is that it doesn’t “strike the root” enough…its more like hacking branches on the Evil Tree.

    Its amazing to me that so many still refuse to see what’s right in front of them, isn’t it?

    “Conspiracy theorists”…yeah, sure we are!

  60. BILL
    July 19, 2010 at 8:46 am

    Why did he not reveal Prescott Bush had supported Hitler? Well, there were a lot of people fooled by Hitler.

    But the main reason this omission does not concern me is this: no matter who you are, if you have a television or radio show, you MUST choose what to include, and what to exclude. Because you cannot include all the true facts about any subject when you have time constraints.
    Anyway, Beck already said Bush (both) was too liberal, believed too much in government solutions (no child left behind, etc.), so it does not bother me that he did not include all the facts that support that preposition.
    I don’t agree with everything he says, but that probably true for everyone on some level.
    I CANNOT equate Beck with Obama just because he is wrong on some things, or leaves some things out.

  61. Recce1
    July 19, 2010 at 10:25 pm

    It’s a perennial crop of weeds that claim that Prescott Bush supported Hitler. On which votes for correct answers some even claim Bush was arrested and convicted of treason. Heres some better information from Wikpedia, not exactly a right wing site:

    [Bush was one of seven directors of the Union Banking Corporation, an investment bank controlled by the Thyssen family, which was seized in October 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act as being owned by “enemy aliens.” The assets were held by the government for the duration of the war, then returned afterward.

    In an article relying on conspiracy theorist John Buchanan’s work, The Guardian stated that the company formed part of a multinational network of front companies to allow Thyssen to move assets around the world. The Alien Property Custodian records state “Whether all or part of the funds held by Union Banking Corporation, or companies associated with it, belong to Fritz Thyssen could not be established in this investigation.”

    In 2003, the Anti-Defamation League said:

    “Rumors about the alleged Nazi ‘ties’ of the late Prescott Bush … have circulated widely through the internet in recent years. These charges are untenable and politically motivated. Despite some early financial dealings between Prescott Bush and a Nazi industrialist named Fritz Thyssen (who was arrested by the Nazi regime in 1938 and imprisoned during the war), Prescott Bush was neither a Nazi nor a Nazi sympathizer.]

    Others also accused of dealing with the Nazis were Joe Kennedy, Schwarzenegger, and the Rockefellers. By the way, there were also a lot of people fooled by Uncle Joe Stalin.

  62. July 22, 2010 at 11:47 pm

    I think Beck is 80% in target. True, the Debbie Malina think he screwed up on. Maybe he regrets it, I don’t know, he should. But those of you who find fault with him do not provide any evidence of what specifically, he has been wrong about or lied about. If he were to be found out to have lied, don’t you think all the liberal media would suddenly come out of hiding for the roast? He has scores of fact checkers and attorneys to keep him from the lies. He sticks out his neck daily for anyone to prove him wrong and no one can, or does. Bush senior supported Osama Bin Laden? So wha, things change. Cant Glenn Beck? He has time constraints in his shows and can’t get to every item on the list that he could. Would he? Idon’t know. Does it matter?


  63. Recce1
    July 23, 2010 at 2:30 am

    John, you’re quite right that no one has all the answers, but Beck is willing to admit errors and apologize. Yet some diehard purists or conspiracy advocates can’t tolerate dissent from their theories. Beck refused to support the 911 Truthers and felt the Obama birth matter would be unproductive, the latter being something I disagree with him on as it goes to the root of whether or not our Constitution matters.

    But then several administrations have basically said that the Constitution isn’t the basis of our government, court precedent is. And that is why we may need to dust off the Declaration of Independence.

  64. Observer1
    July 28, 2010 at 9:19 am

    My new term for Beck is “half-truther”,because that’s all you get with him.This was never more evident than with the speed and vitreal with which he managed to lay waste to Deborah Medina and her campaign for the Govenorship of Texas.
    Medina was a TRUE conservative and supported EVERYTHING Beck claims to support.
    Beck will move heaven and earth to uncover facts,but if he runs into something that doesn’t fit his agenda,he slams on the brakes and runs like hell in the other direction.
    So,I learn many things from him,but I also know he will never hold true to the principles he espouses………Question with boldness,Hold to the truth,and Speak without fear….

    • Recce1
      July 28, 2010 at 9:37 pm

      Observer1, why is it that true conservatives must believe that either Obama isn’t the legitimate president or that Bush was behind 911? If one believe both issues are false, then what would the motto “Question with boldness, Hold to the truth, and Speak without fear, ” mean, toe the party line? By the way, Beck isn’t as much a conservative as he is an independent libertarian.

      Now I do believe that Obama is hiding information about his birth and therefore his right to hold the office of the presidency. But I can see where someone can honestly hold a different position. Unfortunately, Granddelusion seems unable to understand that.

      By the way, the argument that even if Obama was born in Hawaii, he’s ineligible because his father was a British citizens is bogus due to supreme Court rulings. Also the Constitution only states that the person in question be born in the USA, not his parents with a few exceptions. Supposed world traditions are irrelevant. Thus even anchor babies would be eligible and is a reason why the automatic citizenship of anchor babies should be ended. Also, as supreme Courts have ruled, children born outside the USA and its territories to parents who are US citizens are considered natural born citizens and therefore eligible to hold the highest office of the land.

  65. benefitsontario
    July 28, 2010 at 11:18 am

    Please see makeiteighteh dot com – I have some more articles and insight for your good analysis. The latest is the call to come to the streets. Are they looking to stage a false flag and blame it on the “true” t parties?

  66. Paula
    July 30, 2010 at 4:33 am

    BS Nobody owns Beck. And most people can think for themselves. Your a bunch of kooks.

    • Recce1
      July 30, 2010 at 5:36 pm

      Paula, the overarching view of Granddelusion is just the opposite. He believes Beck and most others are bought, particularly if they disagree with his conspiracy theories. Even if one cites other sources, he harps on TV. Just consider his motto: Open Your Mind and Forget Everything You Know to Be True.

      To Granddelusion and his fellow travelers almost every event is a government false flag operation, ranging from the first WTC attack to 911, the deaths of congressmen, and every Islamic attack in America. They’re professional conspiracy theorists. They believe in the anti-Semitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that Israel has no right to exist, and that most Jews aren’t really Jews. They claim that Bush’s grandfather supported the Nazis and by implication so does Bush. And of course they don’t believe that Obama is a legitimate president, something they may have a point on. But they say even if Obama was born in Hawaii, he’s not a US citizen as his father was a British citizen; this despite court cases to the contrary.

      Trying to hold a cogent erudite discussion with them is next to impossible. They resort to canards, innuendoes, prevarications, and ad hominem attacks. So why do I post here? I believe someone has to present a rational approach to the real problems we face, and they’re many. I believe the survival of what once was a democratic Republic under the rule of constitutional law is in doubt.

  67. August 4, 2010 at 1:06 pm

    Loved your post, makes you ‘feel’ and that’s what I pursue everyday: feel

  68. Fringe Fighter
    August 18, 2010 at 10:59 pm

    Everyone out here needs to turn off and tune out for a while. Turn the computer off. Turn the TV off. Quietly sit and contemplate for a moment that the possibility exists that we are all being manipulated. Mankind is designed to subjugate and control everything. It is in our nature to do this. It is always the people that consolidate power that will stop at nothing to control you. It is in their nature to stay in power.

    What is happening now has happened before and will happen again. If you tune out you will feel different when you come down from the programming. admit the fact that we are sums of our parts. If you flood your mind with a concept, it will control what you think. Your fears, your pleasures, everything you react to has been fed to you. I can prove this- you can prove it to yourself. Just turn it off for 2 weeks. Fill your mind with your voice. Your families voices. After you come down, you will start to see how hyped up on the programming every one is. After 2 weeks you’ll notice the people around you acting strange. Like drug addicts, they will ramble on and on about what the program is and crave to get more.

    The programmers need you to tune in or the effect goes away. You will notice their talking points will fade away and you will have chosen to be free. Truly free. We still, you still- have the freedom to choose. Stand up and make a stand and say no to the manipulation.

    I’m sure someone will have something smart ass to say to this, but its O.K, because i’m comforted by the fact I’m looking into the cell instead of out of it.

    Good Luck,

    If you believe in any of that.

    • Ben
      August 31, 2010 at 6:03 pm

      I like this idea! TURN IT OFF!! You believe what you want to believe, and I believe this. So with that being said, If I DO BELIEVE that Terrorists flew planes into the twin towers than I am ignorant and stupid? But wait, part of me wants to believe that it is a cover up by the government so I can put another “notch in my stock” and another reason to dismantle it! (the Federal Government).

      I do not watch or Beck, I have listened to his show a few times and I do NOT BELIEVE everything Beck says, his paycheck comes from a NATIONAL MEDIA outlet. I am a FREE THINKER. Not sure all of you know what that is, being ENLIGHTEND and all. I try and cover all bases when I study an issue, for example- 100,000 FEMA train cars in the US with shackles in them. Lots of opinions on them, claims of photos but for the life of me I cannot find them! (if you have the photos please send them to me and the location so I can get my own photos) and the idea scares the crap outa me!

      I look to GOD (yes there is only 1) for life’s answers, you need to have FAITH. YOU are NOT as smart as GOD. I am engaged at a local level and trying to change the dim outlook that we all have, for me , my family and my friends! SUPPORT THE CONSTITUTION! FIGHT FOR WHAT YOU HAVE, LOVE, and CHERISH, what little fragment is left of it- FREEDOM- and drag your friends kicking and screaming into the fight! (they will thank you later).

  69. RenaVA
    August 23, 2010 at 5:43 pm

    Just another Glenn Beck Basher who makes all these claims without citing any facts or sources.

  70. Celline
    August 29, 2010 at 7:05 pm

    now why not go all the way and tell the people who Sarah Palin is.
    I have researched it, and I think I know, but, I would like to hear it from you !

    • Recce1
      August 30, 2010 at 12:30 am

      Celline, perhaps it’d help if you addressed the name of the person you’re asking the question of. Or do you want to keep that secret as well as you’re supposed research?

  71. Jas
    September 6, 2010 at 6:31 pm

    Since the failure of Lehman Bros. in 2008 I’ve been on a quest to understand what the hell happened. Not a week goes by in which my head doesn’t explode and I cram it back together only to discover another weapon of mass destruction. One really needs to do their own research and I’m often reminded of a quote from Reagan with the ruskies, “trust but verify”. It’s not hard, at least for now, the information is out there.

    Admittedly there is a lot Beck leaves out? Why, perhaps will find out. Check this article on “Obama and Goldman Sachs – names names”:
    You might find yourself asking if America isn’t fighting a Zionist war.

  72. December 6, 2011 at 5:02 pm

    Couldn’t agree more.

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  74. March 14, 2013 at 7:16 pm

    Yr comments about Hitler show you haven’t “got it” either.He was destroyed to save the International Jew banking system.

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  83. seventh-day is still the Sabbath
    October 10, 2021 at 8:04 pm

    Once you know the Jesuits and the Vatican are the Deep State and that they want a one world government and one world religion with the Pope at the head of it all, it’s easy to see that just about all the “truthers” out there are controlled opposition.

  1. March 6, 2010 at 6:33 pm
  2. March 10, 2010 at 9:38 pm
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  7. June 30, 2010 at 8:25 pm
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